Owning our actions

Greetings y'all ,

How y'all are ? We've been doing fairly well over here. Life has thrown us cure balls but we've been able to sit on them and be patient . Oh sure we've had out share of swings and misses but were still in the game . 

As y'all may or may not know Ace had a very difficult late summer early autumn. In general out lives were flipped upside down and we dealt , sometime well and sometimes not so well , with a cornucopia of changes. In October I had to put Ace in hospital to help him with with poor broken brain and wiring . It was    the single most difficult decision I've made. I saw it coming for weeks before it actually happened but when it did we saw and are seeing improvement. 

The truth is my child was quite angry and  aggressive at times. He would rage and  subsequently put holes in his walls and doors before he went into hospital . With the exception of one anxiety riddled rage from a situation  he should've been shielded from . But the fact remains he raged . He knew he had to save his money to get the tools and equipment to repair his damage. He has accepted that. Yesterday we went to Home Depot and he spent his money for the equipment and today will learn the art of home improvement and responsibility . 

He's excited to learn a new set of skills . He's happy owning his actions and making things right. Some may ask why it took so long to have him do this ? Quite honestly he wasn't mentally or fiscally ready until now. Wish us luck as we progress through this phase of our lives and go forward with greater confidence , thoughtfulness and responsibility . I believe in you son! 

Thanks for reading again today.