Aught 14

Greetings y'all :

    Here we go friends time for a fresh start and new beginnings. But I posit we have the opportunity to have fresh starts and new beginnings every second of every day. We are constantly making choices that affect the next moment in time for us . One might call this Karma . Karma is the theory of causation. What we do comes back to us , cause and effect. Karma is to us what we are to others and ourselves .

Junior Mint and I had grand relaxing New Years Eve. We read and listened to music during the day. Watched a little football and did some cooking. He had another date night with the neighbor/sitter. She's been a blessing to us. Last evening she took him to Coldstone Creamery for some monstrous sized and delicious ice cream. I'm glad he's expanding his support system .

     The night was spent reading and chatting with friends . I was able to visit my special friend and still ring in the New Year with my pride and joy , my progeny.  He is almost ten but still insists on hugging me and kissing at the stroke of midnight with a hearty I love you daddy and happy New Years ! Who knows how long this will last but I'll take it ! I love that lad. 

   Today ? Well today he's already cooked me bacon and eggs and started supper in the crock pot . He's finishing up Tom Sawyer  and wants to move on to Huckleberry Finn & Sherlock Holmes  stories . In my opinion these are classics everyone ought to read. He's read Old Man and the Sea and Moby Dick I think he need some children's classic too though . Any suggestions ? 

   Ok folks I won't hold ya up any longer . Thanks for stopping by and checking on us . Hope y'all have a happy and healthy new year . Remember we may not always get what we want but God gives us what we need.