Life's Lessons

Greetings y'all ;

1. Lift with your legs

2. Children want and need that which is free and ought to be freely given; time, love, compassion, respect , viability, and guidance. 

3. Maintain your dignity and you can overcome 

4. Follow your moral compass , you have more people on your side than you realize as well as God 

5. Act with non-malfeasance - it's the right thing to do and it just feels better. 

6. Conduct yourself with humility 

7. Wish and actively bring/ project peace to friends and enemies a like .

8 " it is impossible to love your enemies because once you love them they are no longer your enemies . " H.H. Dalai Lama .

9. Work hard being the the parent your child thinks you are , the dividends are priceless. 

10.  Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40 NIV)

     Ok so I got off on a spiritual or religious bent.  I shan't apologize . We've navigated stormy seas of late and know it's our faith that has held us in the light and gotten us through. We have a few more squalls on the horizon but shall neither wither nor waver . iWe have faced  the tempest and are all the stronger for it. My insightful man cub recently compared our  journey to that of Odysseus, we had a siren attempt to crash us upon the rocks but we held fast and survived .

     Thanks for stoping by and taking time to peruse and ponder my thoughts.